La vie quotidienne

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This and that

One of my favourite bloggers runs this series on her blog called "my week in objects." I love it so much I thought I'd run a similar series on mine. Here are things that have captured my attention lately: 1. these biodegradable and compostable straws

because they've upped our smoothie game big time.

2. this street sign

because there will be less dust and debris and now we can safely wash our windows.

3. this garden succulent

because the snow has melted and the garden is waking up.

4. these eggshells

because I've been collecting them to pulverize and spread about in the garden.

5. these tiny spring bulbs

because they make my heart glad and I scored them at the local grocery store. Three small pots for only $2.99 each.

Other things that have caught my attention elsewhere:

the rich social environment of dogs without collars

looking forward to seeing this in June

this paint colour

this watercolour and ink

been loving this artist for a few years. her latest here and here.

this kitchen