

Welcome! I’m Suzanne, the author and photographer of this blog. I hope what you find here informs and inspires you, and brings beauty and calm to your day.

This and that

This and that

Here are five things that caught my attention lately:

1. this juice

because it's an elixir when I'm feeling less than vital - 3 carrots, 1 orange, 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger.

2. these candles

because I love the smell of bees wax and how it burns.

3. these wee poinsettias

because they're precious and I've no space for bigger versions.

4. this food waste bag

because it's perfect for storing egg shells for the garden.

5. these shingles

Inspiration found; an ornament exchange party

Inspiration found; an ornament exchange party

Flowers in the home elevate mood

Flowers in the home elevate mood